August : 24

Daily Log for August, 24 of each year.



  • 8:40am - Nvdia’s bubble is insane but also the fact that they have a margin of around almost 70% is mind blowing.
  • 9:45am - Okay we are seeing some pull back from the markets but I need to focus on some of the stuff for work, so I will keep this journal a bit small in that sense.
  • 6:00pm - Finally finished up with the general work related tasks, the backup recovery is still having some issues that I need to migrate and fix but I will test case that on my own time.
  • 7:20pm - Currently making sure all my accounts are ready for the hackathon tomorrow and that includes making sure we have the basics out of the way.
  • 8:08pm - There was an issue with the Business operations aka BizOps document not rendering the graphs, so I will fix that right now.


If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself. — Rollo May


  • Prep for Hackathon.